Q: When are you open ?

A: Appanoose Rapids 1933 officially started operating on 08/02/23. Our regular hours are Wednesday, Thursday & Friday from 5 to 8pm. However, note that hours may occasionally vary due to private events, inclement weather, or vacations.

For the most up-to-date information, check this page regularly or refer to the most recent text message announcement.

Q: How do we enter ? / What door do we use?

A: Our lounge is located behind the Appanoose Rapids Mercantile (328 East Main St). You may use the building’s rear door facing the Jefferson St. parking lot; it is marked with a decoy sign. However, if our Mercantile is open you may also enter through our East Main St door.

Q: Do we need to make reservations ?

A: There is no “need” to make reservations. In essence we are a private bar, and so we encourage everyone upon arrival to follow a simple first-come, first-seated basis.

However, if your party is about 6 or larger it may be a good idea to let us know ahead of time via text.

Q: How does membership at AR 1933 work?

A: Membership at AR 1933 is free and designed primarily for effective and targeted marketing and promotion. To become a member, simply provide your phone number, name, and, if applicable, the name of your sponsor. Members are welcome to invite or sponsor interested adult friends and relatives to join.

Q: How many guests could a member bring along?

A: Any AR 1933 member is welcome to bring as many guests as they wish, provided that all guests are 21 years of age or older. For larger groups exceeding about 6 people, we recommend letting us know ahead of time, if possible. Additionally, we encourage all first-time guests to sign up as members, enabling them to receive text notifications & announcements. Membership sign-up is free and can be conveniently completed on-site.

Q: Are you on Facebook or Google ?

A: No, AR 1933 is neither active, nor listed, on any social media. However, the Appanoose Rapids Mercantile has an active Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/appanooserapids/

Q: How can customers contact AR 1933 ?

  • Via text messages at: (641)-219-2780, the same number from which members receive weekly announcements.

  • Via email: appanooserapids@gmail.com

  • In person at Appanoose Rapids Mercantile: 328 E. Main St, in Downtown Ottumwa, during work hours

Q: Are you able to host private parties or small corporate events ?

A: Yes ! -We understand the importance of private parties and will carefully review and discuss reservation requests with organizers. We will try to accommodate all parties as best as possible, considering the small size of the operation and the capacity of the premises (25 seated + 10 standing). Private events involve thorough planning for a successful outcome.

Q: Are you currently serving food ?

A: Yes. Although there is no actual cooking on site we have a small, rotating, food menu featuring charcuterie, loaded flatbreads, and sweets. The food menu is small but complements flavor profiles found in wines and cocktails.